Pellet Stoves
Pellet Stoves and Inserts

Pellet Stoves & Inserts are a great way to save money on oil and electric heat. They’re easy to use and operate, have long burn times, and it’s easy to control the amount of heat desired. Pellet stoves and Inserts require electricity to operate and must be maintained to keep your Pellet Stove or Insert operating correctly and efficiently for you. Pellet Stoves and Inserts can have burn times from 10 hours to 40 hours or more depending upon the heat level setting and hopper capacity. Making it the ideal choice for those with busy lifestyles.

Free Standing Pellet Stoves can be vented directly out the back of the stove to the outside if you install it on an exterior wall or through the roof. The vent pipe does not need to go above the house as it does with a wood stove making in most cases an easy and inexpensive installation. Come talk to us at Fire Finesse and we can help determine what size stove will meet your needs and make an in-home consultation to determine the best placement for your Pellet stove.

Pellet Inserts are installed into the inefficient, drafty whole in your home known as your current wood burning fireplace. A Pellet Insert can be easily installed into your fireplace and give you a heat source to save you money. Just bring in your fireplace measurements and size area your looking to heat into Fire Finesse and we’ll help you select the right stove for your home.